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The Mining sector includes emerging companies engaged in mineral exploration and development, the backbone of Canada's natural resource industry.

Mining companies listed on CSE

Cape Lithium Corp. is a mineral exploration company which currently has several exploration projects and is seeking to acquire additional mineral exploration properties. The current projects include the Norrabees Lithium Project in South Africa, and the Strathmore Property in Namibia.

Caprock Mining Corp. is a Canadian mineral exploration company focused on exploring battery metals in Newfoundland and precious metals in Ontario.

The Company has an option to earn a 100% interest in the Ackley Lithium-Tin-Molybdenum-REEs property located in the Fortune Bay area of south-eastern Newfoundland. Additionally, the Company’s 100% interest in several gold exploration properties gives it a substantial landholding in the historical Beardmore-Geraldton Gold Belt (“BGB”) of Ontario - a belt that has produced over four million ounces of gold historically (Reference: Beardmore-Geraldton Gold Camp - Tashota Resources), and contains the world-class Greenstone gold project (formerly known as the Hardrock gold project) which is being brought to production by a joint venture partnership between Equinox Gold (TSE:EQX) and Orion Mine Finance (Reference: Greenstone Gold Mines - Mining & Processing).

With an experienced management team that has a strong exploration pedigree, Caprock is poised to generate incremental shareholder value by advancing its portfolio of highly prospective exploration projects.

Carlyle Commodities Corp. is an exploration stage mineral resources company whose principal business activities include acquiring, exploring and evaluating strategic energy mineral properties.

Carmanah Minerals Corp. is engaged in the business of mineral exploration and the acquisition of mineral property assets in Canada.  Its objective is to locate and develop economic precious and base metal properties of merit and to conduct its exploration program on the Loljuh Project, which covers a surface area of 1,656.73 hectares and is 40 km south of the community of Smithers or 29 km west of the community of Houston, B.C., within the Omineca Mining Division.

Carson River Ventures Corp. is a mineral exploration company focused on the acquisition and development of economic precious and base metals properties. The company is led by a well-seasoned management team with extensive public company experience and relationships within the industry. The company’s principal project is the Chucker Property located in Mineral County, Nevada, within the prolific Walker Lane gold trend.

Cartier Silver Corporation (the "Company") is an exploration and development company focused on discovering and developing its recently acquired silver property assets, including the Chorrillos Project and claims staked by the Company’s subsidiary, all of which are located in the Potosi Department of southern Bolivia. The Company also holds significant iron ore resources at its Gagnon Holdings in the southern Labrador Trough region of east-central Quebec, and the Big Easy gold property in the Burin Peninsula epithermal gold belt in the Avalon Zone of eastern Newfoundland and Labrador. 

Cascada is a mineral exploration company focused on exploration opportunities in Chile.  Cascada's team of successful exploration professionals are dedicated to the discovery of mineral deposits that can be progressed into economically viable development projects creating value for all stakeholders.

Cascade Copper Corp. is an exploration stage natural resource company engaged in the evaluation, acquisition and exploration of mineral resource properties with the intention, if warranted, of placing them into production. Cascade is focused on exploration, development and acquisition of quality exploration properties. More specifically, Cascade’s objective is to conduct an exploration program on its flagship Rogers Creek Property located in the Coastal Mining Belt of British Columbia about 90 kilometres northwest of Vancouver, in the South West Mining Division. Cascade currently has three projects, with its core project being the Rogers Creek Property. The Rogers Creek Property is comprised of 10 contiguous mineral claims covering approximately 10,586 hectares or about 105 square kilometres. 

CAT Strategic Metals Corporation is a Canadian based mineral exploration company focused on the acquisition and de risking of overlooked projects situated in well established World Class geological districts in North America. The Company is specially focused on minerals which are considered highly strategic from a monetary as well as global infrastructure and energy point of view.  CAT continues to identify and potentially acquire additional property interests and conduct exploration and evaluation to assess their potential along with the identification of strategic alliances, acquisitions or joint ventures.

CDN Maverick Capital Corp. is a Vancouver-based junior resource company with a diverse portfolio of projects and investments in North and South America. 

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