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2014-0711 – Reorganization - The Business, Engineering, Science and Technology Discoveries Fund Inc. (B.E.S.T) (VC)

July 9, 2014

On July 11, 2014, Tier One Capital Limited Partnership (the "Partnership") and The Business, Engineering, Science and Technology Discoveries Fund Inc. (the "Fund") will complete a transaction whereby the Partnership will acquire substantially all of the assets of the Fund in exchange for units of the Partnership (the "Units"). Pursuant to the transaction, the Class A and Class L Shares of the Fund that were not the subject of validly exercised dissent rights will be automatically redeemed for Units, and each Class A Shareholder and Class L Shareholder of the Fund will receive an equivalent value of Units in payment for the redemption price of Class A Shares and Class L Shares held by that shareholder on July 11, 2014 based on the most recently calculated net asset value of the applicable series of Class A and Class L Shares and the deemed issue price of $14 per Unit.

The Units of Tier One Capital Limited Partnership will begin trading on July 11, 2014.  

Disclosure documents are available at

Effective Date:
July 112014
New Symbol: TLP.UN

 88650W 10 7

 CA 88650W 10 7 7

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